
Showing posts from September, 2023

Am I at Risk for Dementia? What You Need to Know

  If one of your close relatives—say, your mother or older sister—has or had dementia care Albuquerque NM , you may wonder whether the disease will strike you. Your concern is valid. Researchers have found that having a first-degree relative with Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, makes you nearly twice as likely to develop the disease compared to someone whose close relatives do not have Alzheimer’s. Genes and age play a role. So do lifestyle choices such as exercise, diet, smoking and social activity. With an estimated 6.7 million Americans age 65 and older living with Alzheimer’s Care Albuquerque , anxiety about the disease remains high. Yet there are ways to lower your risk and delay the onset of dementia—or potentially avoid getting it in the first place. “If you know you’re at risk for dementia, you can make changes now that the data shows can lead to a better outcome 20 to 30 years in the future,” said neurologist Sarah Kremen, MD, director of the Neurobe

Prescriptions That Increase Fall Risks in Seniors

  What comes to mind when you think of strategies to reduce fall risks in senior care services? Increasing the number of lights in the home? Removing clutter and other tripping hazards? Keeping the floors clean and dry? These are all important components to preventing falls in the home, but there’s another common culprit to keep in mind: reactions to medications. Many older adults are taking multiple medications, often prescribed by different doctors. That’s why an essential first step is requesting an extensive overview of all medications being taken. The doctor can provide information on which medications or combinations of medications create a higher risk for falls in Albuquerque senior care services . They may also be able to suggest alternative treatment plans that reduce, if not eliminate, medications to prevent dangerous falls. Which Medications Are Associated with Increased Fall Risk? There are specific medications that are known to raise the risk of a fall for older adu

Activities for seniors with Parkinson’s

Parkinson's disease symptoms affect elderly patients' daily activities at every stage of the disorder. Nonetheless, families and careers of seniors with Parkinson's can still find lots of pleasant activities to do for enjoyment. Seniors might anticipate participating in these five safe yet thrilling activities with their dear ones. For some elders, sustaining an excellent standard of living can be difficult, but professional careers can support them in achieving this objective. People undergoing Parkinson's care in Albuquerque are taken care of by Mayberry. Elderly care professionals in Albuquerque, New Mexico, may be relied upon by families to assist their senior loved ones in concentrating on lifestyle decisions that raise the likelihood that they will live longer and in better health. Engage in Community Service Numerous volunteer opportunities don't involve strenuous physical labor. For volunteer options that let people with limited ability participate, ch